Saturday, February 7, 2009

Faces of our Friends

There is nothing like the face of a Shetland!! You've got to love them all!! Here are some of our very favorite faces. Just look at those eyes. Eyes for their shepherd, in this case shepherdess!! My daughter, Katie, spent a little time with our flock in both pastures, and this is what she saw.

The two faces above are Jane Austin, our bottle lamb, on the left and Emily Bronte on the right. Both are katmogets. Jane is fawn and Emily is grey.

This is Charlotte Bronte who is Emily's twin. She is a moorit smirslet with a very soft fleece. Who could resist a face like that?

This "smiling" face above is another grey katmoget named Lucille Ball. Her fleece is immense. Just what I like to spin!! All the ewes above are lambs from 2008! We had some real beauties this year!

Above is Gina. We love that sweet face but looks sure can be deceiving!! She won't come anywhere near us, but who can part with those "panda" eyes?

Here is Amelia Earhart. What a munchkin she is!! She loves to jump and hop and kick. She loves to nibble your hair and nose and chin, anything really. She has the most beautiful, soft, darker than fawn fleece that we have ever had.

This is a very special ewe. This is Sarah. She was a bottle lamb 3 years ago. She is shy and likes to come near you from the back. She'll paw and let you know that she's there. The only time you really get to pet her is when she is on a halter. She has a very dense, fine fleece. I love her light brown face and the soft look of her eyes.

Here is the munchkin brother to Amelia. This is Benjamin Franklin, a wether. He has one of the softest fleeces of our flock. He is a spotted fawn katmoget. If his horns hadn't have been small and close he probably would have stayed a ram. Now his fleece is mine and he is safe with the girls.

Here are two of our mature ewes and definitely two of our favorites. Shania Twain on the left is a mioget yuglet/sokket ewe. Her fleece is gorgeous. It is a long straight fleece that does well in the show ring. She is the mother of Emily and Charlotte Bronte. To the right is Cara. She has the most precious personality. She is a very light grey with curls rather than crimp. Cara loves attention and gives us adorable white katmogets.

Last for today but definitely not least is Annie Oakley. She is an aged ewe that still wins in the show ring. She has a very long primitive grey fleece. Annie is my most favorite face out of all our Shetlands. She is one of the dominant ewes in our flock, and she loves us. When she is in labor she likes for us to be near. One year she came over to me between contractions to be scratched and consoled and then would walk away when the pains came. She likes to lamb in the pasture. Annie is a great mother and one of my favorite to spin, fleece that is.
So, here are some of the 31 faces that greet us each evening. I can't wait until new lamb faces join the crowd!!


Donna said...

Wow! What great photos and descriptions.

Kara said...

What beautiful sheep!!! I love the effect of the black and white photos. I can't wait to see your new lambs, and mine too.

Jen and Rich Johnson said...

I love this post! Beautiful pictures and you're so right, nothing like the sweet face of a shetland.