Thursday, April 15, 2010

Thankful Thursday


Michelle said...

That last photo is so sweet! What a lovely collection of colors, patterns and spots you have.

Robin said...

They are beautiful - all of them. I'm curious, do you wait to shear them because of the summer heat?

Hidaway Farms Shetlands said...


Thank you! That last picture is of my daughter, Katie, and little Aurora, a definite favorite!


We actually sheared 21 yesterday and will shear the mommas next Friday. We shear at about this time every year for a couple of reasons. Our shearer wants to shear after the rise in the wool. With a couple of weeks of very warm weather here most of them sheared very nicely. Secondly, we like mothers to have wool during lambing because of cool nights and babies love to snuggle. We sheared in Feb. one year and then it turned very cold and we ended up having to shear them off again because of the rise. So, April works best for us. Thank you for your question and for visiting!!