Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Lambs are growing, Hay is being cut, School is almost out!

Amelia is an amazingly friendly ewe considering that her mother will never come near us. Last spring I broke my pinky trying to catch her for pre-lambing vaccinating and worming. Needless to say, Daisy wasn't caught last year or this year until lambing. Amelia is so soft and has a lot of fleece. She is a possible keeper.
Here is Rhett Butler. We really like his conformation and crimpy moorit fleece. We would like to show him this fall and then sell him. Of course, that is if his horns cooperate.
This is one of our first two lambs that were born this year. He is going to be light grey. This is Orville. He is out of Emmett, the yearling ram that we would like to sell.
Follow the leader...Katie is carrying Minnie Pearl to sheep candy (leaves that they can't reach). Coming along behind her is Hank Aaron, Jackie O., and Minnie's brother, Patrick Henry.

We received some much needed rain today. As you can see from our pasture, we haven't had an over abundance of the wet stuff.

My husband, Rothey, and his father put up some much needed hay this past weekend. They got a good start before the rain. As soon as more clear days come, they will cut again. We were very blessed to have enough of our own hay this year. We finished up our last bale, just in time for a new one!

School is coming to a close. Why is that important, you might ask? Well, I am a teacher at Hendersonville Christian School, and it means a nice break! Time to play with the sheep, catch up on spinning, scrapbooking, cleaning, sleeping late and trying my hand at painting roving! Yes!! It also means that my baby daughter graduates from high school on Friday, May 30th. The same day I turn 43. :( We are proud of her and her accomplishments. More on that later.

Life continually offers change, and it is difficult. Some of us struggle with change more than others. I know that we'll make it. Phil. 4:13 promises that!

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